Pre-Conference Workshop
Reimagining School Readiness
Kate Brunner, Beth Crist, Melody Garcia, Kate Smith, Donna Throckmorton
Leadership Institute
Keynote: Lucia Gonzalez
Participating on the CLEL Steering Committee
Kelly Allan, Allison Presley, Lauren Graham, Jessica Fredrickson, Lauren Cockerill and Desiree Sotomayor
Growing Readers Together: Forming Partnerships and Building School Readiness
Summer Sanford
Work of Childhood: Promoting Play in the Library
Ann Santori
Everyday Mentorship
Lisa Cole
Main Conference
A is for Agriculture
Julia Baratta
Fake It Till You Make It
Mary Lanni
Inside Early Talk
Caitlyn Stafford
Social Emotional Mental Health
Alison Hargarten and Lisa Schlueter
Supporting Beginning Readers
Laura Lay
Author Panel
Discussion Groups
Non-Fiction in Storytime
Erin Richards
Authenticity in Children’s Literature
Krissy Jensen