The nominations are rolling in for the 2023 CLEL Bell Awards! Check out the first set of nominated titles for the category: WRITE. These books, published after November 16, 2022, model the importance of writing in everyday life and encourage early writing skills.

Every Dog in the Neighborhood – By Philip C. Stead; Illustrated by Matthew Cordell – Published June 21, 2022 – Neal Porter Books
Grandma and Grandson both write letters to City Hall with questions regarding their neighborhood. When they both don’t receive the information they desire, they decide to gather the information themselves.

The Story of a Story – By Deborah Hopkinson; Illustrated by Hadley Hooper – Published November 9, 2021 – Neal Porter Books
A boy tries to write a story and ends up frustrated, with nothing to show but a towering pile of crumpled paper. Inspired by a persistent chickadee outside his window, he starts writing his own story, one word at a time.

Eggasaurus – By Jennifer Wagh; Illustrated by Hallie Bateman – Published April 26, 2022 – Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Through an exchange of letters between Maximus and Eggasaurus, Inc., readers discover how a series of miscommunication results in more and more dinosaur eggs being delivered. Maximus’ father is none too happy about that.
Many nominations come from title suggestions from members like you! The CLEL Bell Selection Committee is accepting title suggestions for the 2023 CLEL Bell Award until November 18, 2022.