ROAR-chestra!: A Wild Story of Musical Words

by Robert Heidbreder, illustrated by Dušan Petričić (Kids Can Press) Published May 4, 2021 A cartoonishly drawn conductor waves his baton at an attentive group of animals. They follow his commands and at allegro they “quickly, swiftly, race, run, fly!”. Children will love learning these musical terms and can move like the animals on each page.

Jazz for Lunch

by Jarrett Dapier, illustrated by Eugenia Mello (Atheneum/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books) Published September 7, 2021 A young girl and her aunt visit a jazz club at lunch time, then go home and cook dinner to a jazzy beat.

Venetian Lullaby

by Judith L. Roth, illustrated by Kendra Binney (Page Street Kids) Published January 19, 2021 The rhythmic text spoken by Papa describes the lapping of the water, rocking of the boat and sounds of dragonflies while the baby is soothed to sleep.

Bear Wants to Sing

by Cary Fagan, illustrated by Dena Seiferling (Tundra Books) Published September 14, 2021 A child accidentally drops a collection of instruments in the woods and Bear finds a ukulele. He announces he has made up a song he wants to sing to his friends. But the other animals have a different plan.

What Happened to You?

by James Catchpole, illustrated by Karen George (Faber & Faber) Published July 6, 2021 Joe just wants to play his favorite playground game – pirates. As he plays, other kids approach him asking what happened to his leg. This is a great book for starting conversations about how everyone is different and the same!

Wonder Walkers

by Micha Archer (Nancy Paulsen Books) Published March 30, 2021 “Wonder walk?” “Sure.” Two children explore the wonders of nature by asking questions and using their imaginations.

Raven, Rabbit, Deer

by Sue Farrell Holler, illustrated by Jennifer Faria Lipke  (Pajama Press) Published November 24, 2020 A young boy and his grandfather go for a walk through the woods one winter day. As they explore, Grandpa shares the Ojibwemowin names of the various animals they meet along the way.

The Little Library

by Margaret McNamara and illustrated by G. Brian Karas (Schwartz & Wade Books) Published March 23, 2021 ​ Jake has trouble finding a book to read at his school library, but after talking with the librarian, he takes home a book about woodworking and uses it to help him build a little library.